Tag: coding
Bringing imagination to life with tech
A content creation pivot Smoothies
Creating interesting and engaging content. Lessons from Avatar
Ideas sometimes need to wait for the right time. Overcoming IndexedDB Limits by Streaming Videos
Creating Just Dance for YouTube. Realtime Scoring and Feedback for Dance Moves Using TensorFlow.js
Creating Just Dance for YouTube. Creating a Video Editor on the Web with Svelte
Creating a timeline based video editor on the web with Svelte for my game. Building More Than Just a YouTube Video Downloader
Creating Just Dance for YouTube. Realtime Pose Comparison With TensorFlow.js
Realtime pose comparison between a webcam feed and a reference video to get a similarity score. YouTube Videos Don't Mix with TensorFlow.js
Figuring out how to use TensorFlow.js with YouTube videos. It's (not yet) Dance Time
Creating Just Dance for YouTube.