This post was going to be titled “Pushing Myself in 2024”, but after careful considation for the past week, it has a new name. Let’s dive into why I rewrote this post after only a week of going after my goals.
Live Your Childhood Dreams
Hello world - Sent from my Apple Vision Pro
Don’t let perfection get in the way of good. That’s what I had to tell myself as I created a simple personal website and blog for myself.
Overcoming IndexedDB Limits by Streaming Videos
Since we last left off, I’ve been hard at work on my game and working towards making it playable for others. Last time I wrote a post, I had just gotten the realtime scoring working and the game was playable!
Realtime Scoring and Feedback for Dance Moves Using TensorFlow.js
In pretty much every game that’s ever existed, there’s some way to keep track of how you’re doing. This is usually in the form of a some sort of score value, such as how many points you have or how many enemies you’ve defeated.
Creating a Video Editor on the Web with Svelte
For my dance game that I’m working on, I needed a way for users to edit the videos that they wanted to dance to, before publishing them to the main page for others to play.